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Why you'll LOVE Catchy
Contains mess, keeping your floors ✨ clean ✨
Catches food dropped or thrown by bub so no more ruined carpets and stained floorboards. Catchy keeps the mess contained so that you can get on with your pre-bedtime routine, and come back to clean-up later!
"The same as cleaning the floor" - Absolutely not!
Catchy is waterproof, durable and doesn’t stain. Designed to be installed just once, it is always ready for the next meal. No need for a broom, mop & getting on your hands & knees, simply wipe it clean with a damp cloth (just like you clean the highchair tray).
Allows you to safely re-offer dropped food
Catchy is made from non-toxic, BPA-free, PVC-free and food-safe material, so you can save dropped food (that would otherwise get wasted on the floor) and re-offer it to your baby or save it for later!
Helps encourage healthy eating habits
Catchy's co-founder Dr Rachel is a clinical psychologist, PhD, specialising in eating disorders. She knows how important it is for our bubs to explore their food and make a mess when eating. Catchy allows you to raise happy and healthy eaters without stressing about the mess.
It started with A LOT of mess
Catchy was invented by Aussie parents, Rachel and Brad who quickly discovered that mealtimes are messy when they first introduced solids to their daughter!
As a Clinical Psychologist, PhD, specialising in eating disorders, Dr Rachel knows that the best way to support our children in developing a healthy relationship with eating is to create positive and pressure-free mealtimes, where exploring and making mess with food is OK! However, as a mum, she couldn’t stand the constant clean up.
That’s why they invented the CATCHY!
Mealtimes changed for the better...
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Is Catchy compatible with my high chair?
You can see the 20+ high chairs Catchy is compatible with by selecting from the drop-down menu on this page. If your high chair is not available, please leave your details in the link above (under the high chair dropdown), and we'll notify you if we release a Catchy in the future for your high chair.
How do I clean my Catchy?
Catchy is made from a waterproof and durable material, making it very easy to clean. No need to remove it between meals, simply wipe it clean in place (just like you clean the highchair tray) and it's good to go for the next meal. You can see Catchy Co-Founder, Rachel’s, cleaning demonstration & tips
How do I assemble my Catchy on my high chair?
Catchy is made from a waterproof and durable material, making it very easy to clean. No need to remove it between meals, simply wipe it clean in place (just like you clean the highchair tray) and it's good to go for the next meal. You can see Catchy Co-Founder, Rachel’s, cleaning demonstration & tips
How much space does Catchy take up?
Catchy has been designed to catch the optimum amount of food, whilst comfortably fitting around the contour of the highchair legs so that it doesn't take up much more space than your highchair would, and can therefore fit in small spaces.
It is approximately 78cm (30.7”) x 65cm (25.6”)
We have a demonstration video showing how your Catchy will seamlessly fit into your home
Is Catchy reusable?
YES! Catchy is designed to be reused meal after meal for many years (typically our customers use Catchy with their child from around 5 months of age until around 2.5-3 years of age). It’s not a single-use item! It’s recyclable if you want to discard it after you’re finished with it - but we recommend keeping it for your next little one, or gifting it to a friend :)
Is Catchy strong? What is it made of?
Catchy is durable, waterproof and easy to clean with just a damp cloth. Catchy is made from non-toxic, BPA-free, PVC-free and food safe Polypropylene material so you can re-offer bub dropped food or save it for later.
Can I re-use food caught by my Catchy?
Catchy is made from non-toxic, BPA-free, PVC-free and food safe Polypropylene material so you can re-offer bub dropped food or save it for later.